Sleep - A Building Block of Wellness
Have you ever gone a week without telling someone, “I’m tired”? Seems like we all want more sleep.
Fortunately, sleep is getting more attention as an important part of a healthy lifestyle. While hard workers and college students may glorify pulling all-nighter’s, healthy adults manage sleep like they would exercise and balance eating.
Sleep is a key part of health and well-being that should not be overlooked. Learn why sleep matters so you can feel good about setting a personal goal to get more sleep. As if I had to tell you it’s worth it.
Why Sleep Matters for Wellness
There’s much more to sleep than meets the eye. The exact function of sleep remains a mystery, but we do know that Sleep Cycles between light and deep sleep are 90-120 Minutes.
Plus, studies have shown that a lack of sleep permeates into all areas of life. It’s associated with increased accidents and errors, fatigue, irritability, lowered mood, increased anxiety, poor decision making, and a lack of concentration and energy, which can impact work performance and relationships. It’s a serious issue with real health risks, putting you at increased risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, and obesity.
Signs You May Have a Sleep Disorder
Symptoms of Sleep Disorders include difficulty falling and staying asleep, daytime sleepiness, irregular breathing during sleep, snoring, leg movement, a change in sleep habits, unusual sleeping schedule. You may be more at risk for Sleep Disorders if you do shift work, travel frequently, smoke, or suffer from stress, illness, or obesity.
Sleep and Weight Control
Being overtired can lead to weight gain from overeating (3 Ways Sleep Affects Appetite). This isn’t just because your inhibitions are down late at night: lack of sleep actually disrupts your hunger and fullness hormones, resulting in a bigger appetite.
Obesity is a risk factor for sleep apnea, but not getting enough sleep can also cause weight gain. According to the CDC, sleep deprivation causes metabolic changes that can predispose you to obesity. Sleep deprivation may also create an imbalance in the hormones that cause hunger, leading to overeating.
Are you aware of your sleep habits, and have you set a personal goal for sleep? Set a goal to catch some more zzz’s. Your mind and body need them!
Enjoy a relaxing Thai Massage, learn more about sleep, or explore my full Setting the Foundation for Wellness workshops and sessions by contacting me here. Let’s set a foundation for a happier, healthier you!
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Other Helpful Wellness Resources to Explore
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services